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Nirankari Mangalacharan Lyrics

Manglacharan in Hindi

He samrath parmatma, he nirgun nirankar
Tu karta hai jagat ka, tu sab ka aadhar

Kan kan main hai bas raha, tera roop apaar
Teen kaal hai satya toonm , mithiya hai sansaar

Ghat ghat wasi he prabhu, avinaashi kartaar
Dya se teri ho sabhi, bhav sagar se paar

Nirakar sakar toon, jag ka palanhaar
Hai beant mehma teri, daata aparampaar

Param pita parmatma, sab teri santaan
Bhala karo sab ka prabhu, sab ka ho kalyaan – 2

Manglacharan in English

O' Almighty God, beyond attribute and formless;
Thou art the creator of the universe; Thou art the sustainer of all.

Thy vast entity is there in every particle of the universe;
Thou were true in the past, art true at present and shall be true in future, and the world is an illusion.

O' God, Thou dwelt in every being, Thou art beyond decay, and Thou art the supreme creator;
be kind and bless everybody to transcend the ocean of materialism.

Thou art formless and in form, Thou art the nurturer of the universe;
Endless is Thy glory, Thou art the supreme donor, the boundless.

O' the Supreme Father God, all human beings are Thy own children;
be kind and benevolent to all, may all be redeemed.


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