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Nirankari Beliefs & Ideology

The Sant Nirankari Mission has a set of core beliefs that guide its philosophy and practices. These beliefs include:

  • Universal Brotherhood:

    The mission believes in the oneness of all human beings and promotes unity and harmony among all individuals, regardless of their caste, religion, gender, or nationality.

  • Nirankar:

    The mission's central belief is in the formless and infinite supreme power, known as Nirankar, which can be realized through the grace of a living true master, also known as 'satguru'.

  • Inner transformation:

    The mission emphasizes the importance of inner transformation and self-realization through spiritual practices like meditation, self-introspection, and service to humanity.

  • nirankari_mata_savinder_ji_status

  • Love, humility, and compassion:

    The mission stresses the value of love, humility, and compassion as essential qualities for spiritual growth and human welfare.

  • Rejection of dogmatism and superstition:

    The mission rejects blind adherence to dogmatic beliefs and superstitions and advocates a rational and scientific approach to spirituality.

  • Service to humanity:

    Sant Nirankari Mission considers service to humanity as the highest form of devotion to God and encourages its members to actively participate in charitable work and social welfare activities. The Mission sees social service as a way of expressing love and compassion for all human beings, and of fulfilling one's duty towards society and humanity.

These beliefs are intended to promote a holistic approach to spirituality that integrates individual growth and social welfare, and emphasizes the importance of realizing God through a practical and inclusive path.


The material and information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. It doesn't necessarily reflect the offical policy or position of Sant Nirankari Mission. While we have made every attempt to ensure sources are reliable, user discretion is advised.

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