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Lineage of Nirankari Satgurus

In Sant Nirankari Mission, Satguru refers to the spiritual leader who is considered to be the embodiment of divine knowledge and guidance. Satguru is believed to have a direct connection with the divine and is considered to be a source of spiritual upliftment for the followers of the mission. The Satguru is the head of the Sant Nirankari Mission and his teachings are considered to be the guiding principles for the followers. The Satguru is seen as a mentor, a guide, and a spiritual leader who helps individuals in their spiritual journey towards enlightenment and self-realization.

Lineage of satgurus in the Sant Nirankari Mission is as follows:

  1. Baba Buta Singh:

    The founder of the Sant Nirankari Mission, Baba Buta Singh was born in a small village in Punjab and had a strong spiritual inclination from a young age. He dedicated his life to spreading the message of spiritual awakening and universal brotherhood. He emphasized the importance of realizing God through the grace of a living true master, and his teachings laid the foundation for the Sant Nirankari Mission. He was known for his humility, simplicity, and dedication to service.

  2. Baba Avtar Singh:

    Baba Avtar Singh succeeded Baba Buta Singh as the second spiritual leader of the Sant Nirankari Mission. He further developed the teachings of Baba Buta Singh and emphasized the importance of self-realization and inner transformation. He also expanded the Mission's humanitarian efforts and oversaw the establishment of several charitable institutions.

    Nirankari Baba Avtar Singh Ji
    Baba Avtar Singh Ji
  4. Baba Gurbachan Singh:

    Baba Gurbachan Singh was the third spiritual leader of the Sant Nirankari Mission, and under his guidance, the organization grew rapidly and gained a global following. He was known for his emphasis on the importance of inner spiritual growth and the practical application of spiritual principles in daily life.

  5. Nirankari Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji
    Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji
    Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh Ji & Nirankari Mata Savinder Kaur with Rajmata
    Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh Ji & Nirankari Mata Savinder Kaur with Rajmata
  6. Baba Hardev Singh (1980-2016):

    Baba Hardev Singh served as the fourth spiritual leader of the Sant Nirankari Mission, and during his tenure, the organization continued to grow and expand its humanitarian efforts, including disaster relief, education, and healthcare initiatives. He was also known for his efforts to promote interfaith harmony and peace.

  7. Mata Savinder Kaur (2016-2018):

    After the sudden passing of Baba Hardev Singh, his wife, Mata Savinder Hardev Ji Maharaj, served as the spiritual head of the Sant Nirankari Mission for a brief period of time. She continued to emphasize the importance of spiritual growth and service to humanity.

  9. Mata Sudiksha Ji (2018-Present):

    Mata Sudiksha Ji is the current spiritual leader of the Sant Nirankari Mission. She is the daughter of Baba Hardev Singh and was declared the sixth satguru in 2018. She continues the work of her predecessors and emphasizes the importance of spiritual awareness, social harmony, and selfless service. She has also initiated several new projects aimed at promoting education, healthcare, environmental sustainability and youth empowerment.

  10. Nirankari Mata Sudiksha Ji
    Mata Sudiksha Ji


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