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Nirankari Sewa Dal

The Sewa Dal of the Sant Nirankari Mission is a voluntary service organization that plays a significant role in the mission's activities. The word Seva means selfless service, and the members of the Sewa Dal devote themselves to serving others without any expectation of reward or recognition. Also known as the Volunteers Corps, Sewa Dal is an integral part of the Sant Nirankari Mission. All Sewa Dal members are group of dedicated individuals who volunteer their time and energy to assist in the smooth functioning of various events and programs organized by the mission.

Sewa Dal members are made up of volunteers from all walks of life and age groups who are committed to spreading the message of love, peace, and unity. The members of the Sewa Dal are easily identifiable by their distinctive uniform.

They work selflessly to ensure that every event and program organized by the mission is executed flawlessly. They are responsible for a variety of tasks, including crowd management, traffic control, serving food, providing medical assistance, maintaining cleanliness and many more. The Sewa Dal members work tirelessly during mission's programs & events, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and that the devotees have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

The Sewa Dal is a disciplined and well-organized unit, with each member assigned specific tasks and responsibilities. They are trained to work in a coordinated and efficient manner, always striving to put the needs of others before their own.

In addition to providing assistance during the events, the Sewa Dal members also engage in various community service activities, such as blood donation drives, cleaning campaigns, and disaster relief efforts. They are always ready to lend a helping hand whenever and wherever they are needed.

The Sewa Dal is a shining example of the Sant Nirankari Mission's core values of selfless service and devotion to humanity. Their unwavering commitment to service is a testament to the teachings of the mission's spiritual leaders, and their contributions play a crucial role in the success of every event and program organized by the mission. Sewa Dal member's dedication and commitment to serving others inspire others to follow in their footsteps and work towards making the world a better place.


The material and information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. It doesn't necessarily reflect the offical policy or position of Sant Nirankari Mission. While we have made every attempt to ensure sources are reliable, user discretion is advised.

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